Some Genius Made A Day-by-Day Spreadsheet of all the Campus-Area Bar Deals

By D.J. Byrnes on June 4, 2015 at 10:31a

One of the biggest conundrums of the American college experience is that, by and large, most students are broke... but they also enjoy beer.

How does one solve this? By taking advantage of the insane deals college-area bars are known to offer from time to time. But unless someone is an aspiring professional alcoholic — not that there's any shame in that; some of my best friends are professional alcoholics — how many bar deals can one person keep track of?

Thankfully for broke, spirit-seeking students, some Internet patriot compiled a list of basically all campus-area bar deals.

Via u/mcrazy20 of r/OSU (click to enlarge):


  • I assume the Bier Stube isn't featured because it's always happy hour at the Stube.
  • $1.75 for a mug at Out-R-Inn on Sunday and Monday? R.I.P to Mug Night, which I assume is now populated by kids whose rent is paid by their parents.
  • It's unclear when this was made, and I'm sure some deals have been changed since, but above all else: I want to party with whatever man, woman, or creature created this.

Now, if you'll have to excuse me... I have to go cuss my parents out for not waiting to have me so I could have went to Ohio State during its golden era.

Stay in college forever, folks.