Remember When: Ohio State Students Elected a Cow as Homecoming Queen

By D.J. Byrnes on October 13, 2014 at 8:58a

It's homecoming week, which means thousands of alumni will flock back to Columbus this weekend to reminisce on the great memories ginned during time spent on campus.

It's unlikely, however, many alumni will remember Maudine Ormsby, Ohio State's 1926 Homecoming Queen.

Maudine, you see, defied all the social constructs of Western beauty. In fact, her election as homecoming queen was quite controversial because Maudine, although nominated by Ohio State's School of Agriculture, wasn't even a true student at Ohio State.

In fact, Miss Ornsby was a real heifer. And I don't say that as a slight, but as a matter of historical fact.

From Wikipedia:

Maudine Ormsby was crowned Queen and viewed her subjects as part of the homecoming parade. According to OSU, however, she did not attend the dance held in her honor. The election runner-up, Rosalind Morrison Strapp, would joke the rest of her life that her epitaph should read, "But for Maudine, here lies a queen."

No shame in that, Rosalind. Maudine, after all, looked quite regal when it was all said and done: