Eleven Dubcast: In Between Angst About Fall Sports, a Shocking Attack Changes a Buckeye Forever

By Johnny Ginter on September 1, 2020 at 2:50p

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It's getting tough keeping a running tally of whoever is winning the "let's play some football" war on a week to week basis. In part because the longer we do it, the more fruitless it seems, but also because when things happen like what Haskell Garrett experienced, a lot of it seems pretty insignificant.

So shout out to him, and prayers up. That's a pretty horrific incident and we're mostly just relieved that he's doing okay. We do get into the prerequisite breakdown of all the fun Big Ten shenanigans but... Haskell first.

Also Ask Us Anything (which you can do via email at dubcast@elevenwarriors.com) hit us with a great Joker question, and we get into our favorite extracurriculars at Ohio State. It's fun on a bun, so check it out why not? Oh, and definitely don't forget to rate and subscribe at the podcast dispensary of your choosing.

0:00 Haskell Garrett is made of tougher stuff than I.

9:00 A vote?? Not a vote?!? 11-3? 8-6? TIM BRANDO?????? Also, a possibility that Kevin Warren is the fall guy here.

34:40 Best Joker: Jun Fukuyama. If you get that joke we're best friends.

And that'll do it, thanks as always to Travis for the logo, you for listening and checking out the Dry Goods store, and me, I guess, for typing all of this. See you next week!