Eleven Dubcast: Ohio State Gives Us Something to Worry About for a Week, At Least

By Johnny Ginter on October 12, 2016 at 3:05p

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Oh thank God. For a while there it was looking like the Ohio State Buckeyes would stroll through the regular season, winning games by five touchdowns, and generally giving us zero material to work with other than fawning over J.T. Barrett or Mike Weber or whoever.

Well luckily the Buckeyes looked like warmed over garbage for about 30 minutes (despite going on to win comfortably), and as a result we can spend at least a few minutes wringing our hands about the passing game. Truly, Ohio State fans and observers are really only happy when it rains, but ideally it's more of a light drizzle than an actual downpour.

Of course, that's not all Beau and I hit on; next week Urban and company travel to Wisconsin for the first really significant Big Ten game of the season, which got us to thinking about the best Big Ten road experiences. Leave it to me to ignore a guy from Montana about what true cold feels like, but I'm still all in with Goldy and Minnesota, dammit. Snow Bowl part deux, let's do it.

Plus, Ask Us Anything (which you can do via e-mail or Twitter) delves into some very important questions like "who is the better Mark Dantonio analog, Trent Reznor or Tom Waits?" It's fun on a bun, so please rate us on iTunes and/or follow us on Soundcloud.

0:00- Indiana was... fine. Time will tell if it was an aberration or a trend. Actually, less "time" and more "specifically, the amount of time between now and Saturday night."

9:51- Wisconsin! Home of cheese, liquor stores, and some combination thereof!

20:59- Road tripping in the Big Ten is something we should all aspire to.

33:49- Ask Us Anything! Christmas sales and college football coaches who would replace lead singers in major bands (and, as stated before, a perfect excuse to make Mark Dantonio jokes).

And that's it! Next week we'll be coming off a Wisconsin game that will either turn the rest of the Big Ten season into a formality or throw the whole thing into chaos. See you then!