Eleven Dubcast: A Spartan Chance

By Johnny Ginter on November 5, 2014 at 3:05p

"The Man stared across the field and wondered where the opposing team might be.

Shoosh says he. There will be blood here today whether they come or not. Death has a time for all of us. Izzo knew that. Tried to warn me. Warn me about what this East Lansing would do to a man.

Then he saw them on the horizon. Sooty black dots moving about on the great ethereal plane that stretched into nothingness beyond the limits of human understanding. Ants upon a vast and terrible red void that signaled death. Ours or theirs? Don't matter none. Never has and never will.

Urban the Great brought his vast host down the hillside into the pit that was Spartan Stadium down down down into the writhing snakepit filled with venom and hate and ennui.

Dantonio closed his eyes and tried to think of '98. Couldn't. Only saw fear. Only saw fear."

-Blood Equatorial, Or the Evening Redness In The Eastern Division

Okay, so this game is gonna be a sloppy bar fight of a game. Michael and I are prepared for that. But really, I'd rest a lot easier if, oh, we had a spare beat writer around to help us deal with the psychic damage wrought by Mark Dantonio's glower.

Enter Tim Shoemaker! Tim is here to help us break down the Michigan State game (and to participate in Ask Us Anything, which you can also do by hitting us up on Twitter or sending us an e-mail as dubcast@elevenwarriors.com). All this and Andy Rooney, on this week's Eleven Dubcast!

0:20- Illinois is a game that happened, let's try and talk about what we learned from it (not a whole hell of a lot!)

14:00- Tim! Hey it's Tim Shoemaker! Let's have him talk about Michigan State and then rope him into our ridiculousness!

35:05- Look, all I'm saying is that at least with Joe Bauserman as president, you'd get that lovable loser Gerald Ford thing going on.

And that's it! Don't forget to write in, don't forget to sign up for our RSS feed, and don't forget to follow us on iTunes if that's your bag. See you guys next week!