Skull Session: Drue Chrisman Takes on a Guinness Bottle Flipping Challenge, Anonymous Players Talk COVID-19, and Chase Young Shows Off His Knockout Punch

By Kevin Harrish on June 15, 2020 at 4:59a

I'd like to start the week by introducing you to Great Value™ Tim Tebow.

The one downside to baseball is you can't blame your offensive line when you walk the bases loaded.

Word of the Day: Exultant.

 DOING HIS THING. Water is wet, the sun rises in the morning and Drue Chrisman flips bottles – some things are just universal truths. So when The Guinness World Records team issues a bottle-flipping challenge, our king will absolutely take it on.

Naturally, his entry was pretty much perfect.

You'll be shocked to learn that it appears that our Mormon punter was one of the only people actually competing – unless you count this individual whose sole online existence appears to be dedicated to winning one of these challenges.

He technically beats our champion's number, but he did it with a mini water bottle and it took him over an hour and a half of continuous flips to do it. If they reward this nonsense, I will be outraged online.

Of course, Drue could just put him in his place with 23...

 PLAYERS SPEAK. Throughout this whole "will we have football this fall?" process, I've been fascinated to learn what the actual players think of the whole deal. Turns out that for the most part, they don't really give a damn – they just want to play.

Are you comfortable practicing and playing games without a coronavirus vaccine?

Yes: 64
No: 8
Somewhat: 1

"I would be perfectly fine practicing and playing games. There's an assumption of risk whenever you play the sport to begin with and I don't think adding the virus to that changes anything for the coaches or players."


Are you comfortable practicing and playing games if your school isn't open to the general student body?

Yes: 62
No: 11

"Personally, I'd feel comfortable, but it wouldn't feel right because the amateurism vs. the other students. The NCAA has kind of sat back and let this happen when the whole reason they came into place was to protect student-athletes and when we need them most, they're disappearing so it would be I think a stain on the idea of [student-athletes] if we start practicing and playing and living on campus while regular students were at home because it's not safe for them. It would be a weird environment to be in."

This is pretty much what I expected.

You'll be shocked to learn that I was never a Division I athlete, but I did win an intramural flag football championship my last year of college (Impressive, I know – I'll be signing autographs at this year's dubgate), and there's not a chance the virus would have kept me from competing for another one.

I've got a hunch these guys are just a tiny bit more competitive than I am with a little more to play for.

 ROCKY X. I was terrified of Chase Young before I saw him tossing around his fists like Medieval flails. 

I am more than certain it would kill me if one of those punches landed on my unfortunate cranium. My skull would open like a pinata, with gray matter instead candy.

Murdering me with fists is not a particularly impressive feat – I'm sure no less than 22 percent of the world's population could sleep me – but imagine those same fists flying at some poor offensive tackle in a feeble attempt to block The Predator.

It may not mean too much bodily harm to said tackle, but the quarterback is three yards away...

 BUCKEYE DAY! I'm not sure what your quarantines look like these days – every day is quarantine when you blog about sports for a living – but if you find yourself at home with nothing to do today, flip the 'ole remote to BTN if you want a healthy dose of Buckeye sports.

There are even multiple football games that I'm old enough to remember!

 SONG OF THE DAY. "Better Man" by Marc Scibilia.

 NOT STICKING TO SPORTS. A Florida snake hunter catches a 17-foot python after a bloody battle... A woman is killed after an argument about dog poop... A man let a 12-year-old drive a Jeep 85 miles per hour... A man allegedly lured homeless people to eat poison for a "spicy food challenge"... In India, the YouTube vs. TikTok rivalry turns nasty... Why a small town in Washington is printing its own currency during the pandemic...