Friday Skull Session

By D.J. Byrnes on December 4, 2015 at 4:59a


 SMITH SPEAKS ON BARRETT'S AID SUSPENSION. As part of the football punishment for his Halloween O.V.I., J.T. Barrett lost his summer aid package (but retained a chance to earn it back).

The assumption is Barrett, always a consummate teammate prior to the arrest, will earn that money back no problem.


"That's a Urban rule, not a department rule," Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith said. "There are two common sanctions for all athletes and it's our model for players on scholarship: playing time and money. Back in the day, they made us go run stadium stairs for hours. That changed. So Urban has that philosophy and we need to implement behavior modification techniques so you have different methods to do it. He feels strongly about that one."

If Barrett doesn't earn the summer scholarship back, Smith said Barrett's summer tuition could cost his family up to $6,000. That depends on how many credit hours Barrett takes in the summer and, of course, if Meyer changes his mind based on unspecified conditions for Barrett.

"It's summer school. We're not talking about the regular academic year, when you get 28 credit hours," Smith said. "It's not going to impede his ability to graduate on time. You're talking three or six credit hours. We have very few who take nine. But it is a financial penalty, to your point."

(Six thousand dollars doesn't sound like much until Sallie Mae is sending her goons to your grandma's house to shake her down over your location and points on the package.)

Some folks said Ohio State was wrong for suspending the aid in the first place. "Take away his chance to play, not his chance to learn." There's merit to that line of thinking, but I'm not sure I agree with it.

Meyer found middle ground. It gives Barrett a second chance while also giving him an incentive to walk the straight and narrow. Those are the types of insight into the human brain you can earn with a psychology degree from the University of Cincinnati, which is a thing Urban once did.

 SAY IT AIN'T SO, JOEY. I was the first person to say Joey Bosa would be a guy to watch for early departure from Ohio State. As always, my keen insights did not betray my readers.

Going to be a rude awakening for Bosa in the NFL. And I'm not talking physically—he could've played in the NFL this year—I'm talking about the psychological effect of playing organized football at powerhouses like St. Thomas Aquinas and Ohio State before getting drafted by the Cleveland Browns.

Bosa will lose more games next year than in the last seven years. But hey, there'll be two commas in his bank account. That's a fair trade.

 GOODBYE TO MIRROR LAKE. Meant to mention this yesterday, but the tradition we all love to know took another step towards extinction on Wednesday night.


Ohio State University’s Undergraduate Student Government voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday night in support of ending the annual Mirror Lake jump, which this year resulted in the death of a student.

Meeting for the first time since the tragedy on Nov. 25, the Student Government General Assembly voted 35-6, with six abstentions, to approve a resolution backing the university administration’s call to end the event.


“This represents more truly the feelings of the entire student body,” [student-government president Abby] Grossman said. “You cannot have an event that could put the students’ lives at risk.”

I hope Ohio State administrators realize the only way to stop Mirror Lake next year is to drain the lake. They can bring the National Guard... it won't stop the liquored up fanatics from doing things like jumping the night before or thinking they can make it into the water before getting tased.

My price for this consultation is $50,000.

 YEEESH. Most people think coaching Ohio State football would be a swell job (as long as the Buckeyes win); you're cashing $200,000 checks every other week and people adore you.

It's not all perks, however.

For comparison, here's Urban Meyer last Saturday getting ready to put his steel-toe boot up Jim Harbaugh's ass:

In presidential terms, Meyer has yet to complete his first term. And people wonder why I discriminate against #teens. 

 IOWA: OH, IT'S LIT. This work is entitled, "A Summary of Iowa in 18 Seconds."

That's the definition of "masterpiece."

 THOSE WMDs. Revenge porn king gets 30 months... Giant crack opens in Wyoming... Russia sounds wild... Trouble in Lakewood... Your router is a cybersecurity risk.