Across the Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Kevin Harrish on March 4, 2016 at 2:30p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

Excuse me, would you like to trade lives please?

I can neither confirm nor deny the rumor that I will be the next Bachelor.

I'm a fan, but Mike Weber evidently is not.

Keita Bates-Diop Tweets for the first time since January 7th to tell JaQuan Lyle that they can't get a dog. This is the most dad move of all time.

The new American Dream is that one day, everyone will actually receive the internet they pay for.

It's the bald head. It makes him more streamlined.

Johnnie Dixon retweeted no-less than 10 pictures of pugs this week. #Journalism

Specialists Do Specialist Things

Twitter takes us into the daily lives of some very unique creatures – specialists. Last week, we learned Cameron Johnston is featured in a playstation Australian Football video game. This week, we get a peak at how specialists play real, American video games. Ever wondered how a specialist plays Madden? It's exactly what you'd expect.

Pro Tip: The ultimate sign of #disrespekt is to punt the ball back to your opponent on first down after they throw an interception. 

Evidently, the digital experience wasn't enough for Sean; he needed the full experience.

We did not receive an update on how he fared.

Simple Message

A few weeks after Michael Thomas made Jourdan Lewis mad online, it's evident the Michigan cornerback's feelings are still hurt.

Noah Brown had a simple message for the Michigan cornerback:

Pro Tip for Mr. Lewis – criticizing a receiver who toasted you is on par with fans chanting "overrated" at an opposing team after a loss. Just silently take your L and hope for the best next year.

This Week's Winner of Twitter