Friday Night Fights: Nebraska

By 11W Staff on November 2, 2018 at 6:15p

Welcome to the 10th installment of Friday Night Fights, 2018.

This series is your opportunity to prove how clairvoyant you are regarding Ohio State's upcoming football fortunes. It also gauges how good or bad your #takes are, should you choose to defend them in the comments.

Saturday is Nebraska's first visit to the Horseshoe without Extremely Nice Man Who Never Cursed (pictured above). He only made it to town once; prior to that the Huskers were led by Angry Man Who Cursed All The Time.

This third visit since joining the conference brings Nebraska's Sixth Attempt at Replacing Tom Osborne to Columbus for the first time. Scott Frost is better known as Prodigal Son, but he transferred from Actual Stanford to the Stanford of Nebraska as a player:

Stanford and Nebraska are basically the same school. Just switch a red letter on a white helmet.

Let's check the results from last week's Fights and the best #takes from the week:

Regular 400-yard passing games! But...but but but but but but but but. But.
Dre'mont could very easily be collecting large paychecks right now. *shudder*
I don't need a raise. I need counters, draws, pin-and-pull, wham - you know, Ohio State's forgotten successful rushing plays.
You all disgust me. I will fight every last one of you.
Everything Ohio State touches dies. It's in the stars.

Let's check on the only bye week #take that punched above its weight:

Who among us hasn't worn a pudding hat. 

Onto this week's Fights: