The Houston Chronicle Apologizes for Bad Tweet About Urban Meyer's 'Heartaches'

By D.J. Byrnes on November 5, 2015 at 3:22p

It's risky business be logged into both a work Twitter account and a personal Twitter account at the same time.

What if a bad tweet makes you viscerally react through the mouthpiece of the organization that puts a roof over your head?

This was a scenario apparently not weighed by Brian Reynolds, the senior web editor of The Houston Chronicle.

Urban Meyer said on his Thursday call-in show that Ohio State practices kick returns off long field goals. "We call it Bama," he said (probably with a grin on his face).

Our Tim Shoemaker, being a reporter, tweeted Meyer's quote. Through the RT rounds, it came across the desk of the aforementioned Mr. Reynolds, who simply could not let this injustice stand.

There was, however, one problem:

That tweet was hastily deleted, but Reynolds switched to his work-linked personal account and doubled down on the same joke in a tweet that stood longer than expected.

It's obvious what had to come next.

The Houston Chronicle and its senior web editor Brian Reynolds would like everyone to know they regret those bad tweets:

When we reached Tim Shoemaker and asked him if he accepted The Chronicle and Brian Reynold's apology, he said "I mean, I wasn't offended by it at all. They shouldn't be apologizing to me. But sure."

The lesson, as always, is to N E V E R T W E E T.