Video: A Hokies Fan Made a Brilliantly Infuriating Trailer for the Ohio State-Virginia Tech Game

By D.J. Byrnes on September 2, 2015 at 10:56a

They say boredom is the Devil's workshop, and that was my first thought upon reading of this video's dark origins.

From The Key Play commenter, NerdMagic:

So I will admit I got bored today and spent my time piecing together some media of the last time we met with anOSU. This is the first time I've ever made a video so it's nowhere near perfect but it might just hold you over till Monday.

 This video is some nerd magic — twisted, evil nerd magic.

Did Ohio State gain a single yard of offense? Was the score actually 92-0? These are honest questions because I've done such an excellent job of deleting this game from my memory bank.