Photos: Ohio State Footballers at Zoombezi Bay

By D.J. Byrnes on July 29, 2015 at 7:55p

Unlike every other day in Ohio this summer, it hasn't rained, which makes it a perfect summer day to go to the Columbus Zoo's waterpark, the illustrious Zoombezi Bay.

J.T. Barrett, Cardale Jones, Joey Bosa, Joshua Perry, Taylor Deckor, Billy Price, Pat Elflein, and Billy Price were just some of the players sighted, but it seems it was a team-wide event. As you can imagine, they caused their own waves at the Bay.

H/T: Benwin, who spotted some of these pictures originally.


Just catching some rays with Cardale Jones ... No Big Deal

A photo posted by Gina Slusher (@gslush88) on



Look who Jake ran into at Zoombezi Bay today!! Go Bucks!!! #cardalejones #gobucks #ohio #osu #zoombezibay

A photo posted by Cathi Weber (@candyapplestick) on


Ohio State opens up fall camp on August 10th.