Archie Griffin, the World's Only Two-Time Heisman Winner, Does a Reddit AMA

By D.J. Byrnes on December 11, 2014 at 11:38a

Archie Griffin, the world's only two-time Heisman Trophy winner, is one of the most lovable figures in college football history. (Seriously, go read this ESPN article about the respect former Heisman winners have for the ol' 4-5.)

Griffin, currently the president of the Ohio State Alumni Association, took to Reddit — a popular link aggregation site — to answer questions from the masses in form of Reddit's wildly-popular "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) format. 

Some highlights:

What do Heisman winners do together?

The Heisman winners get together every year around this time when we're going to choose the new winner. It's a great time, we're all there for the ceremonies and on Sunday night we usually bring the new winner into the fold. We'll have dignitaries from his school and his family come to a dinner and we'll introduce them into the fold. Monday night we have a big dinner here in New York honoring the winner. From there on, we do our best to stay in touch with each other and look forward to getting back together every year around this time.

(Note: I am a little disappointed Archie didn't drop a war story from adventures in the club with Johnny Manziel.)

How is Archie's body holding up against a long football career/time?

I'm holding up pretty good. I just had my 60th birthday in August and I get along pretty well. I work out at least 3 times a week. I do have some problems with my ankle and back that pop up now and then, but that can happen whether you play the game or not. Other than that, I feel pretty good.

What's the next big thing in football?

That's a great question! Right now, the injuries are the big thing in all of football. Safety and welfare of the players is probably the thing that's going to be around for a while. The game of football is a very physical sport and injuries do and always will occur. We need to make sure we have the best equipment and we're teaching the best techniques to keep folks from being injured.

You can read Archie's entire crowdsourced interview over here