Across the Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Kevin Harrish on May 6, 2016 at 2:30p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

I shamelessly get my hair cut at the Aveda training salon on High and 11th. They give me hot tea, shampoo and condition, a neck and shoulder massage, a haircut, and style it for $15. 

That is a giant human making too very large humans look like small humans. 

As a Georgia resident, I approve of this message.

Those are definitely starting left tackle sized dogs. 

This is why I prefer the face to face approach. You can't ask your friends for help when you have to say real words with your own mouth.

I mean, that's more or less what I did. You have my full support. Keep making my job easy. 

This is either a very good thing to hear during finals week, or very bad.

Troll Roasted

Joey McBuckets is evidently a below average basketball player with an above average ability to make an ass of himself on the internet. 

Case at point:

Here's the thing – there's no legitimate reason to be blocked by a college athlete you don't know because there's really no legitimate reason to interact with a college athlete you don't know in the first place.

Anyway, Mr. McBuckets decided to take an unprovoked shot at Tyvis Powell this week. It ended badly for him.


Flawless victory.

Mr. McBuckets continued to go after Mike Weber throughout the week, referring to him once as a "bumb," which is not a word.

I hope Weber elects to put his inevitable Buckeye Grove tree in Mr. McBuckets' front yard instead. 

Lion vs. Gorilla

Backup quarterback Joe Burrow is asking all the important questions. 

I'm siding with Stephen on this one. As a long time cat owner, grabbing a housecat that does not want to be grabbed is not an easy task, a lion would be next to impossible. And once you do grab it, what's your endgame? You're just holding a 500 pound death machine of claws and teeth thrashing around in your arms. 

Team lion.

This Week's Winner of Twitter