Across the Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Kevin Harrish on February 26, 2016 at 2:30p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

Why would this not be a thing? This is an absolute masterpiece.  

Deadpool may be the best super-hero movie yet. It far exceeded expectations. 9.3746 out of 10. Would recommend.

Campus Parc is absolutely savage. I've been ticketed while parked completely legally with the proper pass before (I'm in the process of fighting it, prayers up please).

Never trust the weather when it's above 50 degrees in February. In the words of the esteemed Admiral Ackbar, "It's a trap!"

Learning about the existence of this game was easily the most life-changing thing that happened to me this week. It gets even better, too – Cam Johnston is in the game!

If you've ever wondered what the ratings system looks like in an Aussie football game, here it is. Looks like Cam needs to work on his "Get Shot Banana" and "Spoiling." "Mark Jostle" could use some work, as well.

In my experience, you only have to know your mom's and yours. Everything else will just fall into place.

Paulus – stick to cornhole, my friend. You're decent enough at it and nobody gets posterized in cornhole.


Pug Life

It appears Zone-6 is developing a fondness for a rather specific type of dog.

Following this Tweet, Johnnie Dixon retweeted several pictures from @CutePicsOfPugs, which I'm assuming is his new favorite follow.

The curious thing is, this is not an isolated incident. Dontre Wilson appears to have developed a fondness to these alien-like creatures as well.

Could Zone-6 be getting a new mascot in the near future?

Floor Slapper

If you missed it, Jae'Sean Tate had one of the more embarrassing moments of his career against Nebraska, Saturday night.

 What did Tate have to say about it?

His teammates weren't going to let him off that easily.

But walk-on Joey Lane came to his defense.

That does merit a floor slap or two, imo.

Rest up, Jae'Sean. See you next year.

This Week's Winner of Twitter