Across The Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Kevin Harrish on July 24, 2015 at 2:45p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

Alrighty. So we're in late July where absolutely nothing — followed by even more nothing — happens. Here at Eleven Warriors, we try very hard to give you the premium content you pay top dollar for, but sometimes there's just nothing to talk about. There's nothing we can do about that. Thankfully, no matter how dry yesterday was for Buckeye news, we have you covered today with some artfully crafted and trollfully-delicious Tweets. 

When you start to lose hope during the painfully boring off-season, rest assured I will always be here (with the exception of that one time I made D.J. do this instead) to give you a weekly rundown of the one tried-and-true thing in our lives: Twitter.

Let's get to it.

So... What are the chances Cardale makes he switch to guard and just ends #QBgeddon this week?

Yes, hi. I would like an agent please. How does one go about acquiring one of those? 

Bibibop*. It trumps all. I honestly do not know why so many people are still so hype on Chipotle. It's good, there's no denying that. But it's been like 3 years since it hit peak white girl. It's time to move on.

My favorite part about this series of tweets is when they were tweeted. Mike rattled these off right in the middle of #BraxtonMeltsTwitter2k15, meaning he was either totally oblivious to what was going on, or he just didn't care. In either case, hilarious.

Also, what was Joey Bosa doing when the news broke?

Solid choice. 

Honestly, it only makes sense. 

Shockingly, I've only watched it once since it happened. My go to is usually the Sugar Bowl or the B1G Championship.

I have no real caption for this, but this is FAN-TASTIC. 

Oh yeah, when I said last week that getting your wisdom teeth taken out really isn't that bad, I forget to mention that the drugs REALLLLY get to you. Oh well. He knows now.

Zeke's birthday

20 is kind of a useless birthday, but it's significantly less useless than like, 43 (hope I didn't hit a nerve with anyone there). So let's celebrate.

joey's off-season grind

You see, having already mastered football, Joey spent the summer getting very good at FIFA. 

But clearly not good enough... 

Fear not Buckeye Nation, Joey Bosa is no quitter. He's going to put in all the necessary time and work to get better. He'll get to Division 1. Mark my words. #TheGrind

THAT is the kind of dedication we have come to expect. #NoDaysOff

On a serious note: if you read this and even THOUGHT about tweeting back "I'll be your friend!" deactivate your account please. There's no room here for that kind of thirst on Buckeye Twitter.

Dolodale ends a man

Since context is missing, here's what happened: this dude, we can assume his name is Dan, read Cardale's tweets on a some social issues and decided he just absolutely had to tweet at Dolodale and give him some advice. The problem? Dan's a dick, and his advice sucked. He said: "worry about getting us fans another championship..... Stay out of this bullshit."

Cardale did not like that...

The dude deleted his account. He's done. Wisconsin'd, if you will. Dolodale literally ended this dude's Twitter career.

And he got parental support. You just love to see that.

this week's winner of twitter

This tweet almost single-handedly nuked our site for 45 minutes. It wins. I don't care if any of you think otherwise.

Follow Friday:

  • Do you guys follow me? @Kevinish Note: under no circumstances should you ever follow me. It will without doubt be the single worst decision you have ever made in your life. I have provided a link to my account simply so that you can block and/or mute me as to never allow my tweets to accidentally seep onto your timeline. 
  • Jeremy Birmingham @Birm If you somehow are not, you should be following the best recruiting guy in the game today. I don't say that because I work here and I'm obligated to, I say it because it's true. Birm is genuinely the best there is and it's a pleasure to work with and learn from him. Give him a follow today, especially as he tirelessly covers the Friday Night Lights camp tonight. 
  • Eric Seger @EricSeger33 Eric, our beat writer extraordinaire, will also be out there providing great coverage of tonight's camp. You should follow him. Also, you should tweet at him and tell him that his twitter handle is awesome. He loves hearing that.