Across the Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Kevin Harrish on June 26, 2015 at 2:45p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

We're now post NBA Draft, meaning we're getting closer to football season. However, it also means that we're in the worst part of the off-season: that seemingly never ending drought where all we have is regular season baseball. Thankfully, Twitter can be our refuge. 

Also, watch the Women's World Cup. The United State's plays China tonight. We're good at soccer.

I've already ordered my #00 jersey #1 jersey

(I ordered mine before he did. I'm better)

Ducks? Chicks? I must admit, I only posted this one because I don't get it. Please help me.

Fun Fact: I am an EXCELLENT bowler.

I daresay most people have the opposite problem Zeke...

Some friendly banter to Notre Dame quarterback Malik Zaire 

I mean, he's not incorrect:


Stephen collier loves pitbull

I'm 99% sure he was joking, but there's always that pesky little 1%...

Here's my Pitbull #Take: He's that guy that is always at every party despite never actually being formally invited. Nobody says anything because they don't hate him enough to cause a scene and they just assume everyone else likes him, but nobody truly WANTS him there.

buckeye country superfest

This picture made me unspeakably happy.

dolodale sets sportcenter straight

Apparently there's a "National Kissing Day"? Missed that. Anyway, on said day, Sportcenter tweeted this:

Cardale immediately noticed something missing...

Which led to the worldwide leader in sports to admit their mistake. 

Again, it's Cardale's world, we're just living in it. We should have a contest to see who can get twitter verified first: the @11W account, or Dolodale.

This week's winner of twitter

Underrated portion of this picture: Tyvis is reading a magazine with a page titled "Email."

Follow Friday

  • Joshua Perry: @RIP_JEP
  • Elika Sadeghi: @SteakNstiffarms For those who don't know, Elika is a former member of our Eleven Warriors team, although she left before I got here. She's a spectacular writer, and possibly an even better tweeter. She has a knack for making dumb people look dumb in the kindest way It's truly admirable. You see, when I do that I'm just a dick. If my expert opinion means anything to you, you should follow her.