Across The Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Kevin Harrish on April 24, 2015 at 2:45p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

You'll notice that none of these tweets mention the team's trip to the White House. That's because those tweets were so awesome they got their own article

Let me be clear: Faux Pelini is the ONLY parody account that will ever make its way into this rundown. Faux's tweets are pure gold. All other parody accounts are trash.


 In case you've forgotten...

I think it's fair to say getting congratulated by Miss Ohio for your accomplishments wouldn't suck.

Can vouch. Ever seen a petrified banana? I have.

Not sure how this happens. Not only is one of these guys 6-foot-6 and 310 pounds, but they also have matching backpacks with their names and a picture of a football printed on them. 

This, of course, is in response to Jim Harbaugh's invitation to Michigan's football camp.

Mike Bennett Learns the Truth About Nazis and Aliens

Mike Bennett gets his own little section here because these tweets are just too wonderful. I'm about 96% sure he's talking about the History Channel show Ancient Aliens, if you're into that sort of thing.

The moment you stop caring about how many followers you have is the moment when twitter gets exponentially more fun. It appears that Mike has figured that out.

this week's winner of twitter

On the surface this tweet isn't that great, but let's take a look at what's actually going on here. You all remember that 98-35 beatdown Dolodale gave to Jared Foley in the hospital? Well, now Jared wants a rematch, but not in NCAA. He wants Cardale to play him in NHL 15. The only problem is that Cardale has never played NHL 15. So is he just going to go into this contest ill-prepared and certainly be beaten by Jared? Hell no. According to this tweet, Cardale went out and bought the game so he can spend the next couple weeks training to crush Jared at his own game. THAT, ladies and gents, is a competitor.

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