Texas Player Tweets About Transer at Halftime of TCU's Beatdown of the Longhorns

By Kevin Harrish on October 3, 2015 at 3:02p

Texas's issues on the football field are obvious, but it looks like the problems go deeper than that. 

Via Texas.247sports.com, Longhorn's cornerback Kris Boyd was on Twitter at halftime of the teams game meltdown against TCU.

If tweeting during halftime wasn't bad enough, the content of the Tweets is even more concerning.

The best part? After retweeting Texas A&M fans asking him to transfer, the freshmen came out of the locker room and fielded the kickoff. He better enjoy it now, because given Charlie Strong's track record of dismissing players, I don't think he'll be suiting up for the Longhorns next week.