This Is Why It's Dangerous to Get Lit at a Work Function

By D.J. Byrnes on August 7, 2015 at 11:09a
via @janashortal [Twitter]

It would appear Minnesota athletic director Norwood Teague did that thing where he got drunk at a work function and then sent inappropriate texts to his co-workers. Stop me if you've heard this one before.

Here's part of the letter written by Minnesota's president, Eric Kaler, announcing his acceptance of Teague's resignation:

I wanted you to be among the first to know that I have accepted the resignation of Gopher Athletics Director Norwood Teague, effective immediately.

Norwood's resignation follows the report of two recent incidents of sexual harassment of two non-student University employees. I will deliver additional comments at a 12:15 p.m. press conference today. Those will be available at at that time.

To be clear, sexual harassment will not be tolerated at the University of Minnesota and I sincerely regret that our employees experienced this behavior. The University has an explicit policy and a strong code of conduct that articulates our standards. Ensuring a healthy learning, working and living environment for all in our University community is very important.

And that, folks, is how fast a career can go up in smoke in 2015. Though, to be fair, Norwood definitely deserved to lose his job over this.