More Academic Fraud Proof Surfaces at North Carolina

By D.J. Byrnes on June 6, 2014 at 10:54a

It it ever good when your school is featured on an Outside the Lines segment? I'm going to say no, and Rashad McCants' appearance on the show is more proof for that line of thinking.

Look away, Tarheel fans. From Deadspin:

... McCants made the Dean's List in that championship semester of spring '05, despite never attending four of his classes. He received As in all of them.

...  A copy of McCants's transcript shows that in his classes outside Afro-American Studies, he received six Cs, one D and three Fs. In his Afro-American Studies courses, he received 10 As, six Bs, one C, and one D.

... McCants says he was steered by academic advisors to so-called "paper classes," where attendance wasn't necessary and his entire grade would be based on a single term paper at the end of the semester. He says tutors provided by the basketball program would simply write his papers for him.

Pushing athletes to easy classes is a tradition almost as old as big-time college sports. But nobody has been caught perpetrating fraud to the level North Carolina seemingly has.

And yet the NCAA has done nothing. Why? I don't know. They never even bothered to talk to faculty whistleblower Mary Willingham