Warrants Sought in Michigan State Sexual Assault Investigation, Per Report

By D.J. Byrnes on February 16, 2017 at 10:41a

Michigan State indefinitely suspended three unnamed players and and a staffer last week in the midst of a sexual assault investigation.

Earlier this week, MSU confirmed the suspension of Curtis Blackwell, its director of recruiting, without confirming he was previously suspended staffer.

Thursday, more bad news from East Lansing. It appears there's fire to the smoke of the investigation as the Michigan State University Police Department pressed for warrants against the three players.

From lansingstatejournal.com:

LANSING - The Ingham County Prosecuting Attorney's Office expects to make a decision on whether to charge three MSU football players in connection with a sexual assault investigation "in the short-term future," prosecutors said.

In a statement released this morning, the prosecutor's office said it has received warrant requests from the Michigan State University Police Department and expects the department will submit additional "evidentiary materials" today.

"Following this, the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office will review all of the available evidence and information and make a review decision in the short-term future," the statement said.

Obviously this is a long way from a conviction in court, but the ball is definitely not rolling in a good direction for Mark Dantonio's program right now.