Michigan's Student Body President is Protesting Michigan Students Protesting Michigan

By D.J. Byrnes on October 8, 2014 at 1:50p

Brady Hoke is bad. Dave Brandon is bad. Now, it appears Michigan students who think Dave Brandon and Brady Hoke are bad are also bad.

That is the take from Michigan's student body president, who will not take part in this weekend's boycott of the Penn State game.

From the horse's mouth:

Earlier this week, on the MGoBlog message board, several Michigan students made posts about a protest that would take place this Saturday.  The original poster believes that students should “unite” against Dave Brandon, and that they should strive to “dispatch” him while doing everything in their power to make him feel “embarrassed” on the sideline.  The protest organizers hope to achieve these goals by encouraging students to wait outside the section gates before and during kickoff, essentially aiming to construct the image of an empty Big House, a massive no-show, and worst of all, a community that refuses to support the people who’ve made so many weekend games so worthwhile. 

This strategy is problematic for several reasons.  First, we should not, under any circumstance, make it our mission to disrespect, isolate, and otherwise harm our players.  They play for Michigan.  We, as students, are Michigan.  To disregard the work of the athletes who play for us would be detrimental not only for the players themselves, but for the image of the University as a whole.  We do not succumb to struggle.  We don’t give up in the face of adversity.  Instead, we rise above and support the athletes that sacrifice so much to represent the University of Michigan.

Second, it is crucial that we not only support our players off the field, but also on the field.  In this time of division, confusion, and uncertainty, Michigan must stand behind its team – not behind the section gates.  We should seize every opportunity to align ourselves with the team, with its goals, its hopes, and successes because that is what makes the sport thrive: fans and players completely in-tune, ready to negotiate challenges together.  If we want to create a better program environment, it starts by supporting the team this Saturday.

Of course the Michigan student body president still uses two spaces after sentences as if this is 1921 and typewriters are still prevalent. 

But, good environment or not, Michigan is still a very bad football team. 

Burn on, you den on iniquity. No respite is coming from the south, that much is for sure. 

Source: @TheFakeLantern