Dave Brandon is Allegedly Sending Snarky Emails to Michigan Alumni

By D.J. Byrnes on October 3, 2014 at 9:05a
via Flickr

Dave Brandon is having a bit of a rough go lately, and like any executive caught in a crisis, he's doing the only sensible thing: lashing out at his customers.

So is the claim of MGoBlog user Wolverine Devotee:

Just some background here, my friend comes from a family of Michigan alums. Her aunt who is an alum had enough of this garbage so she decided to speak up.

She sent a very respectful email to Dave Brandon that was well-written on their families' opinion of the job he is doing and she said that they no longer were season ticket holders.

Tough but fair take, aunt to the friend of MGoBlog user Wolverine Devotee. Dave, the ball is in your court:

This is too good to be true, right? Or has Dave Brandon just decided to go out guns blazing?