T.I., Love of Alabama Football Saved Creed's Scott Stapp After Suicide Attempt

By D.J. Byrnes on August 18, 2014 at 10:47a
Creed singer, Scott Stapp, on a promotional tour for his new memoirs

It's a situation in which we've all been: the penthouse of Miami's Delano Hotel in the throes of a days-long drug bender. 

According to Creed's Scott Stapp on VH1's "Big Morning Buzz Live," it was a situation in which he recently found himself.

Like most drug binges, it ended badly. Stapp began to hallucinate, and when he could no longer separate the drugs from reality, he jumped over his 40' high balcony.

Where Stapp's story differentiates from your run-of-the-mill drug overdose comes shortly thereafter.

From MTV.com:

[Stapp] fractured his skull, broke his hip and nose and couldn’t move. Then, in comes T.I. “I laid out there for two and a half hours and my guardian angel showed up — rapper T.I.,” Stapp said. “He immediately took care of the situation and saved my life.”

Amazingly enough, the two musicians had crossed paths just once before. “I had met T.I. back in 2004, we were both writing songs for The Passion of The Christ: Songs Inspired By soundtrack and we had briefly interacted there and knew what each looked like,” he revealed. “We’d talked about being fans of Alabama.”

“It’s ironic — he walked in, and I found out later it was the only room left in the hotel and he came in off the street and came out, and as I’m laying on the ledge, blood fell to [T.I.'s] feet and he looked up and he had an Alabama hat on. I said, ‘roll tide,’ and then he looked at me and put two and two together and really saved my life.”

 The Year of Luigi is truly a remarkable time to be alive.