Ohio State Fans Pull a Troll Move on Thomas Green Clemson Statue

By Jason Priestas on December 16, 2013 at 8:26a

A tipster sent us these delightful shots of the Thomas Green Clemson statue holding buckeye necklaces and a sign that reads, “Charlie Bauman had it Coming.

Clemson married the daughter of John C. Calhoun, and leveraged that relationship on both the business and political front, amassing quite a bit of coin during posts as Superintendent of Agriculture and later Chargé d’affaires to Belgium. His will called for the establishment of a land-grant institution called "The Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina." It's unknown whether the will also called for Clemsoning, as some scholars believe that's something Tommy Bowden called for.

Bauman, of course, was the Clemson linebacker that Woody Hayes slugged in the waning moments of the 1978 Gator Bowl, thus ending Hayes' career as the head coach at Ohio State.

Just another reminder that there are Buckeye fans in every neighborhood in America, ready to troll your statues whenever the opportunity presents itself.