Sparty Beat: 11W Interviews Dreamboat Mark Dantonio

By Johnny Ginter on December 6, 2013 at 2:30p

Mark Dantonio has proven himself time and time again to be one of the HOTTEST and SEXIEST names in sports. Whether he's jetting across the country to snag a big time recruit, or chilling in his BOMB ASS East Lansing pad hosting one of his epic parties.

We here at Eleven Warriors of course love our old pal Mark Dantonio. He was an instrumental part of the last national championship that our Buckeyes won, and his overall demeanor and obvious hatred of Michigan only endears him to us all the more. We were lucky enough to get a sit down with Mark a few days before his team left for Indianapolis, and he dished all about himself, his team, and his mysteriously alluring offensive coordinator Jim Bollman.

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