Reminder: Purdue Created the Worst School Rap Video of All Time

By Jason Priestas on October 28, 2013 at 10:57a

It's Purdue week, so it's time to revisit the worst school rap video of all time (and there have been some terrible, awful, no good school rap videos).

You may recall that Purdue students produced the above rap video, "You Oughta Be Proud," in August. It was everything you'd expect from a rap video produced in West Lafayette, featuring cutting lyrics like:

And if you live in a house, an apartment or dorm, you can always here the whistle. Boiler Special's bringing the storm.

The video quickly caught hell from all corners of the internet and the students behind it pulled it down within hours. But not before it could be mirrored (Purdue students, meet the Streisand effect). Take a second to reflect upon the fact that the name of the song was "You Oughta Be Proud," too.

Lest you think this video is a one-time slip in judgment, don't.