Tuning in to Buckeye Games Online

By Jason Priestas on October 7, 2008 at 7:00p

Something that comes up a lot is the question of how to find Ohio State football games on the internet. Whether you don't get the Big Ten Network, live outside the coverage map for "national" games or find yourself away from a television, we can all relate to the panic and anxiety of wondering how you'll follow the action.

the internet saves the day again by offering several options to catch the Buckeyes. Should you find yourself in such a situation, one of these should do the trick:

Scarlet and Gray Sports Radio (Audio/FREE)
Ohio State student broadcasters deliver the play-by-play and commentary via streaming audio. If you have iTunes or Winamp or any other app that can open a .pls file, you can tune in for free and catch a decidedly biased (but awesome) crew.

1460 Web Blitz (Audio/$$$)
If you're in the mood for some hometown commentary, 1460 the Fan, in conjunction with The Dispatch, offers the 1460 Web Blitz featuring Keels and Lachey. You can purchase single games ($4.95) or a season pass ($24.95) which gets you every live game plus access to the archive going back to 2004.

Justin.tv (Video/FREE)
Justin.tv is a place to broadcast and watch live video online while chatting with others. Users operate their own channels and sometimes the video is security camera footage, while other times it's live television in a sort of relay system. The key, of course, is finding the right channel. Users have had success with this guy in the past, but if you just hit up their site search around game time, you should be able to find what you're looking for.

ESPN Gameplan (Video/$$$)

When all else fails, you can turn to the Worldwide Leader and its Gamplan service. Especially useful for those living on the wrong side of the coverage map, you can get ABC and the ESPN family broadcasts here. It's not cheap, running $21.95 for a Saturday or $129 for the full season, but you will have a the latency should be low and you'll see the game the rest of us are seeing.

If we missed any good resources, please add them in the comments.

Speaking of games online, I had a lot of fun doing the live blog for the Wisconsin game. The only problem was due to the way the software is set up, I could only "pre-approve" 10 commenters for the session. I approved the first 10 into the chat, but quickly found myself in a situation where I was doing little more than approving comments from others. I had to watch a replay of the game late that night, just to be able to complete the game recap.

So, two questions: We're considering doing another one of these for the Purdue game this weekend -- is there any interest in another live chat for this game? And would any of you regulars be interested in helping to moderate the next one we do? If there are a few of us handling these duties, I figure we can keep up with the comments while still being able to enjoy the game.