Say it Ain't So - Potokar's Cancer Returns

By Chris Lauderback on August 22, 2008 at 6:01p
Potokar: tough like Woody

Most of you know former Buckeye receiver Dan Potokar has been battling cancer for a good while now.

Back in late March, Potokar headed to Indy for extreme cancer treatment, so extreme that it was said he might not even survive the ordeal. Then, in late May, it was reported the treatment was successful and doctor's were optimistic.

There were even plans for Potokar to gain enough strength to play in Grove City's Alumni softball tournament in July.

Unfortunately, a note dated August 20th on Grove City's football site indicates Danny's aunt recently shared that the cancer has returned and is in his brain.

I'm confident we'll have some more updates here soon but in the meantime keep this kid in your prayers.