Good News for Potokar

By Chris Lauderback on May 22, 2008 at 6:51p
Things are looking up for Potokar (86)

As most of you know, Buckeye footballer Dan Potokar went to Indianapolis recently to undergo extreme treatment for cancer. At the time, it was discussed that he might not even survive the actual treatment, let alone the cancer.

Well, according to informed sources on the Grove City high school football site, Dan has emerged from the treatment in amazingly fine fashion. Here's most of the text from "Suzanne" so you can read for yourself. Hopefully this kid has seen the worst and can move forward from here.

Today's update, May 17. Hi Again...and hopefully for the LAST time. Danny had his CAT scan…. the doctor stated “this is exactly what we expected to see.” They are very optimistic!!

Now, there appears to be a small blood clot in the groin area. Whether this is a result of the original tumor is unknown. The clot will be managed by a blood thinner shot once Dan’s platelet counts increase. The abs are clear!! And the lungs- well….still not pretty, but the doctors think it is scar tissue based on the tumor markers being so low.

Danny’s tumor markers were over 250,000 in December. Now they are 7.8!!! Can anyone calculate that percent of decrease?? (Can you tell I write math books for a living??)

The following is the Game Plan that Danny will be on for awhile: - He will return to Indy in one month for additional testing. - On a monthly basis, for one year, Danny will have his tumor markers checked. - The Big Celebration Day for the Indy doctors will be in one year given that the markers remain nil. - For two years after that, Danny will have his tumor markers checked every 3-4 months. - For two years after that, Danny will have his tumor markers checked every 6 months. - At the 5 year mark, he is considered to be in remission.

Danny’s first goal is to gain his strength back so he can play in the Grove City Alumni Softball Tournament at the end of July. What do the Dawgs think about that?? After losing two quarters at OSU, he plans to resume his educational pursuits in the Fall. How ready is OSU for him to return??