Defense Dominates Spring Game.. Again

By Jason Priestas on April 21, 2007 at 7:30p

Once again, defense took over as the Gray squad rallied to defeat the Scarlet squad 17-9 at the 2007 Ohio State Spring Game.

Over 75,000 fans turned out for a gorgeous Saturday afternoon of football that saw the defenses score 2 of the game's 3 touchdowns. But don't let that scare you. Experienced fans understand that offenses take longer to pick up their timing while good defenses are ready right away. And the Buckeyes look to have a scary good defense for next season.

Keith at Buckeye Commentary has a great game wrap-up pointing out (among other things) that Todd Boeckman's numbers would have been better had it not been for some drops.

Update: Reader Frosty was kind enough to send in some photos of the Spring Game.

See Also: Spring Game Photos [Go Bucks!]