Across the Twitterverse: Parris Campbell Needs His McMuffins and Other Great Tweets from This Week

By Max Melnik on October 26, 2018 at 2:25p

It's been another busy week around campus and on Twitter. Eli Apple made a big move, JJ Sullinger threw some NBA shade, and Parris Campbell had issues with McDonalds. Here are the best tweets of the week. 

General Tweets

Best of luck to Eli Apple! Now if I remember correctly...

Yep. Marshon Lattimore, Eli Apple, Vonn Bell, and Kurt Coleman are now all playing in the Saints secondary. It's the New Orleans Buckeyes now. 

Big congratulations to Austin Mack! Keep up the good work! 

Ouch...that one hurt me. 

Relax Dustin. It's all part of the plan to get LeBron to come back for a third time and win more NBA championships...hopefully. 

Tweets of the Week

I don't know what's better, the original tweet...