Buyer Beware: Ezekiel Elliott Merchandise Signed by Not-Ezekiel Elliott is Everywhere

By 11W Staff on February 18, 2017 at 10:00a

He had a record-setting rookie year in the NFL but he's not quite Elvis Presley yet.

The King still owns the most-forged signature among celebrities and historical figures, but Ezekiel Elliott has quickly become a favorite of merchandise hucksters. It's been two years since Ohio State instructed its athletes to personalize their autographs to guard against sharks out to make money off them, but some of those sharks don't appear to have gotten the memo:

So, pretty much like this:

Not like this:

Fake Zeke autographs have become so pervasive people are asking his mom to validate their authenticity. Sometimes they get bad news.

But sometimes, it's good!

Zeke dropped Ohio State's personalization mandate when he entered the NFL for some of his items, so there are some Dallas Cowboys - and a few Ohio State items - that are authentic but not personalized. Sometimes what he's asked to sign doesn't offer him enough real estate to do it anyway.

"He just had to write REALLY skinny on that one," Dawn Elliott told Eleven Warriors about one particular item we ran by her for this story (that we were convinced wasn't authentic. It was). "Buyers need to make sure there's a letter - or a certificate - of authenticity," Elliott said. "Otherwise, they're taking a chance of buying a fake."

Sage advice. It makes the purveyors much easier to spot:

So to recap, this play really happened:

But this autograph on a still-frame from the middle of that play did not:

And neither did this one, according to Ezekiel Elliott handwriting expert Ezekiel Elliott.

On a lighter note, Eleven Warriors can independently confirm with absolute certainty that this fan's Zeke autograph is 100% genuine:

Buyer beware. Before you pay money for a Zeke autograph, make sure it's actually Zeke's autograph.