Across the Twitterverse: A Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Magee Sprague on September 16, 2016 at 2:15p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

tweets from around The shoe

Last Saturday the Buckeyes went into battle with a hurricane (literally) and came out on the other side 2-0. And, if you're me, with a slight cold.  

I've honestly never seen Block O go crazier. The monsoon was terrible, yet wonderful all at the same time. 

Mike Weber got his first touchdown of the season, and all of Buckeye Nation celebrated with him.

 Eli, Tyvis, and Mike are still Malik's biggest fans. No big deal. 

On to the next one  

In case you didn't hear, Austin Kendall, Oklahoma's backup quarterback, called Ohio State's defense "basic". And Twitter blew up. Nobody calls the Silver Bullets basic and gets away with it. 

The Ohio State defense heard the message loud and clear and are no doubt using it as bulletin board material. 

The Ohio State basketball community couldn't just sit back and watch, but had some comments of their own. 

But wait, it gets even better. As it turns out, Austin Kendall is no stranger to the scarlet and gray.

It seems to me like Kendall might just be a little jealous. Poor guy. 

Props to Stephen Collier for digging up this priceless dirt. I like the way you think.

Side note: Kendall has now deleted all Ohio State related tweets. It's a shame.

time to play school

Unfortunately, there are six days of the week with no Ohio State football. It is a sad reality but we made it through.

I don't know what I'd do without Joey's day of the week tweets.  

Would ya look at that, Joey Lane has a fan page. Go give it a follow.  

this week's winner of twitter

I'm bringing back the Ohio State Twitter god one last time because this tweet is just too good. Shots fired.

Go Bucks. Beat Oklahoma.