Across the Twitterverse: Review of the Week's Best Tweets

By Magee Sprague on July 8, 2016 at 2:15p

You may find that work, school, or other obligations keep you from focusing on Twitter the way you should. Thankfully for you, I'm able to tune out those distractions and provide you with a weekly rundown of the best tweets from around campus.

Look for Sean rolling up to steal your girl sometime soon. Also, his battle with the infamous CampusParc continues. They once ticketed me while I was still sitting in my car, no joke. 

If you're from Ohio, you know The Sign. 

 And now you also know where to find Stephen and Joey.

He's already presented us with great hashtags like #Microwave, #Dunkademics, and #BucketLottery. Now it's time to add the newest Kam Williams word to your vocabulary - #Flexicution (Also known as a song by the rapper Logic, but nevertheless a word I believe we'll be seeing from Kam again in the future). I for one, will be using it daily. 

Walk-on goals.  

Would you look at that, Joe and I have the same Starbucks order. I admit, I'm a little basic.

Buckeyes React to nba signings

Here's what Buckeye Twitter had to say about the craziness that was NBA free agency this week. 

On a side note, JaQuan has to be one of the most entertaining Uber passengers in all of Columbus. 

It's official, Joey Lane is the most savage walk-on in Ohio State history.  

I couldn't agree more.  

We're sorry for your loss, Jamarco. 

OSU Basketball Managers always got your back. 

birthday tweets

In honor of Pat's birthday, check out our longform by Eric Seger titled The Finisher. Easily 10 out of 10 would recommend.

Also, Kevin's birthday is Saturday and all he wants is a birthday shoutout from Mark Pantoni. How can we make this happen?

This week's winner of twitter

Go Bucks!