Miami Hurricanes Mascot Walks Bride Down the Aisle

By Vico on July 19, 2014 at 5:50p

Mid-July is notoriously slow for college football fans. With that in mind, here is a Miami Hurricanes fan being escorted down the aisle by Sebastian the Ibis, the Hurricanes' mascot.

Prima facie, it looks kind of silly or tacky. The bride in question explained on her Facebook profile that Sebastian served the father of the bride's role because her father had passed away before her big day.

When my dad passed away, I dreaded walking down the aisle without him and wasn’t sure how I’d make it through the moment. And yet it ended up being one of the most amazing/memorable moments of the day.

Congratulations on the nuptials, ma'am. I do hope the wedding song was the 7th Floor Crew Rap, though...