This Time for Real: Videos, Vines and Photos from Mirror Lake Jump 2013

By 11W Staff on November 27, 2013 at 5:30a

So, Tuesday night's officially sanctioned Mirror Lake Jump lacked a bro giving the Braveheart speech before storming the lake, but that doesn't mean it was anything but tremendous, yet again. The Lantern reported 11,000 students showed up to jump, dry off, and resume hurling insults towards Ann Arbor.

Here's the best of Mirror Lake Jump 2013 in sights and sounds.

We'd be remiss if we didn't compliment @MirrorLakeJump, @Oval_Beach, @TheFakeLantern, @TheLantern@Mattaritaville and many others for chronicling two nights of madness. The Ohio State University Police Department, as well. Outstanding work.