Dispatch Sources Confirm Meyer Next OSU Coach

By 11W Staff on November 23, 2011 at 12:02p

Sometimes figures of speech related to numbers have a way of working themselves out over time. Two Ohio State sources confirmed to the Columbus Dispatch Wednesday that the lingering hypothetical (emphasis on hypothetical) .03% of doubt in the back of anyone's reasonable minds can all but be put to rest:

Two well-placed sources at Ohio State University confirmed for The Dispatch this morning that Urban Meyer will be announced next week as the next head football coach of the Buckeyes.

But the sources also said final terms for a deal – such as length of contract and financial remuneration – have not been decided, despite recent reports to the contrary. Also, the sources said that though interim head coach Luke Fickell has not been in the loop, he will be taken care of when or if Meyer accepts the job. In what capacity, the sources weren’t sure.

If the Columbus paper isn't good enough for you, just give it time; a press conference sometime next week should placate even the most cynical Doubting Thomas(es) amongst us.